SP 00600

Candela Hand Piece Slider Sensor Board,MINI SERIES,SP 00600

Sanphorus produces high quality hand piece slider sensor board for Candela Mini GentleLase. 

Candela hand piece slider sensor is an electironical card for transmission of fiber optic spot size to the machine.


Compatible Machines
Gentle Mini
Spot Sizes

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Hand Piece Slider Sensor Board

This board is used for the candela mini series for handpiece to detect the slider and spot size

( brand new ).

This handpiece slider sensor board is compatible with the following machines:

  • Candela Mini Gentle Lase
  • Candela Mini Gentle Yag


Hand Piece Slider Sensor Board

  • When this card malfunctions, the machine can not see the hand piece and laser can not be applied. In some cases it does not read one or more of the application diameter dimensions, and laser processing can not be done at those dimensions, it must be changed.
  • Sanphorus reccomends machine maintenance every 6 months.

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