SP 00574-1

Get 25 Hand Piece Window Holders for Only 250$ instead of 450$

Get 25 Hand Piece Window Holders for Only 250$ instead of 450$

Window holder is one of the internal part of the hand piece. Window glasses are attach to it. It procuced by Sonphorus from high qualty material.

Original price was: $450.00.Current price is: $250.00.

Compatible Machines
Gentle Pro, GentleMax Pro Plus

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Get 25 Hand Piece Window Holders for Only 250$ instead of 450$

Window Holder

Window Holder

The package contains 5 Window Holder GPRO

Manufactured from heating resistance high-quality plastic materials

Compatible with all Candela PRO Family.



  • Window holder is one of the internal parts of the hand piece which is window glasses attach to it.
  • Should be checked on every maintenance period.
  • Sanphorus recommends maintenance twice a year.

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Gentle Pro, GentleMax Pro Plus





